happy 2021!
[ελληνικά παρακάτω] Happy New Year to all with a little text I wrote about my latest project, komik_satie. This cute little comic book is...

Merry Christmas to all from Uncle Satie Santa and I! Click on the image to get yourself a print copy of komik_satie from etsy Καλά...

komik_satie now in print!
The English edition of my project komik_satie is now available in print! Surreal sketches inspired from Erik Satie's inimitable quotes....

Strange Days in Frankfurt
This was the first year my publisher Strange Days Books took part in the Franκfurt International Book Fair. Strange Days Books was the...

New project: komik_satie
[scroll down for English] Τον τελευταίο καιρό, μέσα στην καραντίνα δηλαδή, δουλεύω πάνω στα εξώφυλλα των βιβλίων που θα μεταφραστούν στα...